United Nation ✆ admin@ab1.se
to undisclosed recipients
Please pay attention to this email, because it is from a right source, and everything we are telling you right now is totally confirmed and genuine, as a matter of fact, everybody is aware of the outgoing Internet Scam, although there are still some legit business you can involve your self into on the Internet, but 65% today is scam why 35% is legit.
As we all knows this days, the easiest way to communicate is through email or telecommunication, but due to financial crisis and long distance calls, many people prefer e-mail to e-mail, and it is this same e-mail to e-mail that the Internet Fraudsters are using to take advantage of other people in the Internet, in the year 2009, we have 6,965 Internet fraud case files on our desk, and again, in the year 2010, we also have 9,225 Internet fraud case files on our desk from individual, and we are very sure that there are still some other people out there who are not privilege to report there own scam case to us.
Listen, it has been over 6 month now that the United Nation and the World Bank officials has been holding a meeting on how to release all overdue payment, since all the elected officials for overdue payment release has been doing nothing but to dupe and divert the funds that they are asked to release to all scam victim to there own personal account in foreign countries, now the United Nation and World Bank Officials has agreed to release all overdue payment funds via a Diplomat Agent.
A total sum of $6.5Million United States Dollar has been approved for release to you via a Diplomatic Agent, and the funds would be coming to you in CASH in a portfolio box.
Note, there is a secret about the portfolio box, and the secret is that, we didn't disclosed the portfolio box content to the Diplomatic Agent, and the reason is because, if he knows that the box contain your US$6,500,000.00-{ Six Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollar } he might be having the thought of runing away with the funds and bringing back some forg excuses, so our arrangement with the Diplomatic Agent is that, the box contain a FILES OF YOUR PROPERTIES, so it is only we and you that know the box content, and you must not disclosed the box content to the Diplomatic Agent until you get the box from him.
The arrangement has been made and sealed up, so the box will get to you in two days after concluding the delivery with the Diplomatic Agent, please contact the Diplomatic Agent in charge of the box delivery to you below.
Asia Diplomatic Foundation
Person In-charge: Diplomatic Nelson Gerrard
Address: Pan Pacific Glenmarie Jalan Usahawan U1/8 Seksyen U1, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Direct Line: +601-335-478-690
E-mail: (diplomatic_foundation@asia.com) or ( diplomatic_foundation@yahoo.co.jp )
Why contacting the Diplomatic Agent, let him understand that you are contacting him in regard of your Portfolio Box with Identification Number: 82509, once you contact him with the Box Identification Number, he will comply with you and give you the Box Delivery Schedule, but take note, he will demand you pay $65 for Clearance of the box in there warehouse before proceeding with the box delivery to you, and also make sure you furnish him with the information below.
First Name:__________________ Last Name:_______________
City:__________State:______________Zip code:____________
Home Tel:_____________Fax:_____________Cell___________
Date Of Birth:_________________________________________
With the Box Identification Number above, the Diplomatic Agent will identify your Portfolio Box, and don't ever let him knows the box content until you receive the box from him, if you contact him, and if he is asking you the box content, always let him knows that the box contain a FILES OF YOUR PROPERTIES, let no one knows the box content for it will help the safety of the box delivery to you.
Best Regards,
Mr. Dennis Miller
From United Nation Agent, Malaysia Branch.
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