Dr. Michael Carlson ✆ greatinfo01@yahoo.co.uk
to undisclosed recipients
Dear friend,
I imagine that this message might come to you as an utmost surprise, but
it is coming in this way because of my urgent need for a partner, who will
collaborate with me in a very important mutually beneficial project, which
made me to contact you as such. Please bear with me on that.
I am a banker by profession here in United Kingdom and currently I am
holding an important and sensitive position in the Audits and Accounts
unit of the bank.
I currently have a time-bound, but readily begging/beckoning opportunity
of transferring a “left funds” of ($11.2million – Eleven Point Two Million
Dollars), out of our bank, to any other choice/preferred bank account
anywhere on earth, from the account of a deceased customer of our bank
here - late Mr. Richard Miller, who died in the (Egypt Air Flight 990) air
crash, along with his family. – (The narrative/full detail of this crash
is available on demand).
I am therefore requesting you herewith, to partner with me in this
business deal where this money ($11.2million – Eleven Point Two Million
Dollars) will upon successful transfer to your Choice/preferred bank a/c
anywhere on earth, be shared between us in the ratio of 50:50%,
legitimately, lawfully and without a problem, or breaking of any law
anywhere on earth. That is what I am offering you, by this mail.
If you agree to my above business proposal, further details of the
transaction will be forwarded to you, as soon as I receive your return
mail at:- mc191@w.cn indicating interest, or asking for such details.
Respectfully yours
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