Sarah Finder ✆
to undisclosed recipients
Dear Client,
During the recent conduct of our annual bank account audit and bank
sheet-balance, it came to our notice that your funds valued at a total
sum of Ј525,000.00 GBP that was deposited with us several years ago in
fixed bonds by the U.K international Online lottery administrators, being
one of its beneficiaries from a previous lottery draw, is still unclaimed.
We have since being waiting for you to contact us for these funds,
after waiting several months, running into years, we decided to engage in a
sustained campaign of correspondence and active tracing, just to reach
you and considering the fact that there is no stated next of kin in the
claims file, the government intends to confiscate these unclaimed funds of
yours in a short time, since you have not come forward to redeem your claims.
The above move by the government comes ahead of plans to transfer all
unclaimed funds, and funds in dormant accounts into government coffers
under its unclaimed assets scheme, in which these monies realised would then
be used to fund community projects.
The government has directed banks, building societies and all related
financial institutions to mandatorily re-unite as many customers,
clients, unclaimed funds beneficiaries and dormant account owners with their
forgotten or unclaimed funds before the scheme is launched.
Your fund is currently recorded on the unclaimed assets register - a
database holding details of all forgotten savings-deposits,
investments and unclaimed premium bond prizes.
You are however advised to immediately contact us with the detail, such as your full names and direct telephone numbers
here-under stated to enable the processing and remission of your
Tel:+44 70359 95653
Tel:+4470359 99628
Fax: +4407005938237
Please do endeavour to contact us via the above mentioned email within
3 working days of this notice for the immediate processing and remission
of your unclaimed funds to avoid a possible and imminent Government
confiscation of your unclaimed funds.
You are advised to act swiftly and accordingly. And please do
acknowledge receipt of this email notification as it is of great import that you
do so.
Yours Sincerely,
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