
Your Payment Notificati​on

FedEx Courier Notification Department Ž
Area 3,Garki,Abuja, Nigeria.
P.M.B. 130.
Our Ref: FGN/UNO/FedEx/2011 (1/1).
Good Day,
We announce to you today, that the United Nations OrganizationŽ (UNO) has
taken over the Inheritance/Winning payment issue which you currently or
previously had with your transaction agent. On this faithful
recommendations,we want you to know that during the last U.N. meetings
held at Abuja, with the secretary to the president of the federal republic
of Nigeria , it was alarming on the money lost by various individuals to
the scams artists operating in syndicates all over the world today, your
funds was withdrawn by UNO. on your behalf of you, because you where
subjected to too many process that has caused the spending of irrelevant
payment in the past.
Your Inheritance/Winning payment was paid out to the United Nations
Organization by the central bank of Nigeria, and they have deposited your
funds in cheque, with us (FedEx). They have ordered FedEx Courier Company
to take full responsibility in the delivery process of your Cheque which
amount to$650,000.00 Dollars (Six hundred and fifty thousand dollars
only), You are listed and approved for this payment as one of the
beneficiary to be paid this amount in accordance with the UNITED NATIONS
recommendations through FedEx Courier Company. For verification reasons,
you're advised to re-confirm your Full Name;........
Address'........Country........Age;........Phone Number;........Marital
Status:........ before delivery to your doorstep can immediately be
In all discussion, you have to pay $175 Dollars (One hundred and seventy
five Dollars) as Inland Revenue Tax fees for the release of the paperwork
that will be used to complete the documentation to avoid been interrupted
by tax agent during delivery. Please confirm if you can take this cost to
avoid delay as your consignment is ready for delivery.
Yours truly
FedEx Secretary.
Tel: +2347067440606.

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